Most motorcyclist are protected by a helmet and leather apparel to protect their body, they keep their motorcycle with good brakes and in optimus conditions, and on the road take all the precautions while riding safetly, but this is no constest for the errant driver of a vehicle or the road hazards that may result in serious injuries or the death of the motorcycle driver.
Safe design requires that road users must have sufficient time to be able to see, process and react to information. The principles are the same for motorcyclists and all road users, however, the standards are more critical for motorcyclists as errors can have more severe consequences.
Studies have shown that defects of design, manufacturing or assembly, leading to Motorcycle crashes and serious injuries, have been found in certain Harley-Davidson and other motorcycle manufacturer's models.
If you or a family member have suffered an injury due to high speed wobble while driving a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and would like to learn more about your legal rights and remedies contact our office immediately.